My Running Life: Q&A Jane Walsh

When did you start running and why?
I started running 3½ years ago when a friend mentioned she was joining Fit4Life with Galway City Harriers. I was looking for a way to get fit after my fifth child was born, and training outdoors in such a sociable way really appealed to me.

What has been your biggest achievement?
With running, there is a chance for so many personal achievements. The first time I ran four miles without stopping with the group was something that I will always remember. It has also been a thrill to represent my club (Galway City Harriers) in the AAI Indoor and Outdoor National Masters events where I won medals in the shorter distances (400 and 800m).

What's the one thing you'd change about running?
Make it easier. But overcoming the challenge is often where the greatest sense of enjoyment comes from.

Where is your regular run route?
One of my favourite routes is the Streets of Galway 8k which brings you into the heart of the city and returns along a 2k stretch of Salthill's beautiful promenade finishing at the Claddagh overlooking the Nimmo's Pier, some of the finest views in Galway.

What's your regular training schedule?
I have evolved from two short runs of four miles each to running four or five times a week. A typical week is an easy run Monday (five miles with Fit4Life), track training on Tuesday, a six-mile run with Fit4Life on Thursday, club interval session on Saturday ( seven miles) and a group run on Sunday (10 miles), so averaging 25/30 miles per week.


What are you training for?
My main goal for training has always been to keep fit and have fun. At the moment, my main goal is to train for the Kearney Cycles Streets of Galway 8k Road Race on August 10th. This event is in its 28th year and attracts over 2,000 runners and walkers. It takes place on a Saturday at 7pm. The atmosphere is magical and there is lots of time to hit the town for refreshments afterwards.

What do you wear on your feet?
My runner of choice is Asics Kayano Gel.

Have you any niggly injuries?
Thankfully I have largely escaped injury. Recently I had a niggle in the right knee due to a tight quad, but nothing too serious.

What is on your iPod when running?
I never wear one, as I prefer to listen to the sound of the river or sea when running in beautiful Galway.

What is your most embarrassing running moment?
Every time I run as I'm told I've a somewhat unorthodox leg kick which means my friends leave plenty of space around me during training runs.

What's your favourite running book?
Running – Jean Echenoz's book about Emil Zatopek , one of the lesser known Czech Olympic heroes .

Have you ever been chased by an animal?
Plenty of the "human variety" during some races.

What's your favourite running tip?

Enjoy it. If people embrace running and keeping fit as a way of life, they can build it into their everyday lives in a way that keeps them happy and healthy.