What’s the best hidden attraction in your county?

Reader callout: Where should we go when the 5km restriction is lifted on April 12th?

Spectacular cliffs along the Loop Head peninsula near Kilkee, Co Clare. The area was named “Best Place to Holiday in Ireland” in an Irish Times competition in 2013. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

What’s the best hidden attraction in your county? On April 12th, the 5km restriction that has been in force since December 31st will be lifted, meaning Irish people can once again venture a little farther afield – taking in the outdoor attractions their wider county has to offer.

Maybe you’ve discovered a great spot inside your immediate 5km radius – one that you’d like to share with others.

Or you might have a place in your county that you can’t wait to visit – and would like to tell the rest of the county about too.

Tell us about it in the form above, and The Irish Times will publish a selection.


Please post outdoor attractions only and steer clear of the really well known ones. For example, we know about the Cliffs of Moher – but the cliffs of the Loop Head peninsula are no less spectacular. Kerry’s Inch strand is famous – but there’s a jewel of a beach only a few miles down the road at Minard Castle. And Dublin’s Phoenix Park is gorgeous – but the nearby War Memorial Gardens are a beautiful alternative.

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