Word on the street SoLoMo

What it means: Good mantras often come in three words that lend lend themselves to easy repetition; like Reduce, Reuse, Recycle…

What it means:Good mantras often come in three words that lend lend themselves to easy repetition; like Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, or Location, Location, Location. When you want to remind yourself of what's important, or stay focused on your core goals, a good mantra is like a compass that keeps you on the right path. These days, marketing departments are parroting a new mantra, Social, Local, Mobile, but this one doesn't quite trip off the tongue, so some wag has come up a condensed version: SoLoMo. OK, that doesn't trip off the tongue either, but SoLoMo has established itself as the hot marketing buzzword for 2012.

Where it comes from:As companies try to get to grips with the new business reality, and work out to nail down that elusive customer base, they're having to venture outside their media comfort zone. It's not enough to passively advertise – they've got to go out there and try to rope them in. SoLoMo covers the three key areas where companies need to position themselves: Social, as in using social media such as Facebook; local, as in using geo-location to target consumers; and Mobile, as in making the most of mobile marketing to catch consumers on the go. So next time you turn on your smartphone, just remember: the marketers are ready to pounce.

How to say it:"The new guy is clueless — thinks SoLoMo is a new variety of coffee from Starbucks."