Advert for RSA board vacancy mistakenly said role was unpaid

Department corrects error and extends deadline for applications for four positions

Road Safety Authority chair Liz O’Donnell and outgoing chief executive Moyagh Murdock. Ms Murdock is taking up a new role as chief executive of Insurance Ireland. Photograph: Tom Honan

The deadline for applicants to one of four vacancies on the Road Safety Authority board has been extended after the notice incorrectly gave the remuneration for the role as "nil".

The Department of Transport corrected the error after it was contacted about it and the correct remuneration of €7,695 is now included in the information booklet on the notice on

The deadline for applications has been extended from January 10th to January 20th.

The RSA is seeking four new board members after the terms of Prof Áine Carroll, Eddie Rock, John Lumsden and Aileen O'Toole came to an end in the autumn of 2019.


It is also seeking a new chief executive after Moyagh Murdock opted to take up a new role as chief executive of Insurance Ireland, six years into her seven year-term term. She will take up her new role on March 31st.

For its board, the RSA is looking for candidates with one of four very specific skill sets.

One of these is a medical professional registered in the Register of Medical Practitioners in Ireland and an expertise in rehabilitation or trauma medicine. The notice states that it would be desirable if candidates had “experience in statistical analysis/data collection of serious injury and trauma”.

The second is someone with extensive experience in road traffic law enforcement, judicial proceedings, and public policy around road traffic enforcement.

A legal expert is also being sought. According to the notice this person should have extensive experience in at least two of the following: public procurement, negotiation and mediation, data protection, information security, fraud, risk management, corporate governance, employment law, management of outsourced public services.

The final expert being sought is a technology professional with experience of large scale ICT strategy development and implementation, large scale ICT change management programmes; social media, information provision strategies and website, portal and mobile application development.

The RSA board must have between six and 11 members. However, since October it has just five members including the chair Liz O’Donnell.

Members of the board are appointed by Minister for Transport Shane Ross and the maximum term is five years.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times