21 Vavasour Square, Sandymount, Dublin 4
Renovated and extended two-bedroom villa style house with a surprising 121 sq m of living space and a large patio style garden to the rear.
Asking €875,000
Sold €915,000
Difference 5%
Agent Allen & Jacobs

Willow View, The Grange, Malahide, Co Dublin
Renovated three-bedroom bungalow with a supersized master bedroom suite. A total of 190 sq m of accommodation surrounded by an acre of grounds.
Asking €800,000
Sold €915,000
Difference 14%
Agent Gallagher Quigley

7 Terenure Park, Terenure, Dublin 6W
Attractive four-bed terraced Edwardian redbrick. Around 188 sq m of space with period features intact. Gravelled back garden with access to laneway.
Asking €925,000
Sold €910,000
Agent DNG

25 Balally Drive, Dundrum, Dublin 16
Meticulously refurbished and extended two-bed bungalow with glass box extension to the rear. Turnkey living space of around 138 sq m and good parking.
Asking €795,000
Sold €910,000
Difference 14%
Agent Sherry FitzGerald

18 Oakley Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Three-bedroom terraced period house on a popular road, tastefully restored since it was last on the market in 2014. Comes with basement, off street parking.
Asking €895,000
Sold €920,000
Difference 3%
Agent Sherry FitzGerald
Prices from the Residential Property Price Register for September 2018