Coronavirus: Do we have to pay the balance of our son’s Erasmus accommodation?

Property Clinic: Coronavirus landlord/tenant questions answered

If the accommodation was on campus and owned by the institution then by closing the campus and instructing your son to leave it could be inferred that they have terminated the tenancy.

My son is/was an Erasmus student in Denmark. He has had to return home because of the Covid-19 crisis, leaving his rental accommodation prior to its official termination date at the end of June 2020. We have paid his rent up until the end of March. Where do we stand with regards to the rent that is due for April/May/June. We are now on the pandemic payment of €350 and have seen our income nosedive. Any advice please would be appreciated.

It is unclear from your query if the institution your son attended has closed and directed students to return home or whether your son chose to leave himself. This is important as if the accommodation was on campus and owned by the institution then by closing the campus and instructing your son to leave it could be inferred that they have terminated the tenancy.

Your son needs to engage with his Erasmus co-ordinator in Denmark to establish what position his accommodation provider is adopting. In Ireland, Government policy has been very clear and legislation has been implemented to prevent any evictions taking place for the duration of the crisis, to ensure that all tenants have homes.

The educational institutions here are continuing to provide lectures via their virtual learning environment and students are continuing in many instances to live and study in their accommodation, adhering to social distancing.


Many of these students don’t have the necessary broadband in their family homes, or are reluctant to place elderly relatives at risk, or cannot travel, so their student accommodation is their home and will be for the duration of the crisis.

Enda McGuane is a chartered planning and development surveyor and managing director of Winters Property Management in Galway. He is a member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland,