Buddha statues, egg-shaped rooms and plenty of sacred space

Dreamfield is nine-bed property on 11 acres near the Slieve Bloom mountains

Dreamfield has egg-shaped bedrooms and an octagonal viewing tower

Dreamfield may not be everyone’s idea of a dream home – most of us have modest aspirations to a house with, say, a big shiny kitchen.

But if you want an eco-friendly house oriented to maximise "the inflow of living energy", with a Shamanic space, egg-shaped bedrooms and an octagonal viewing tower at the top offering panoramic midlands views, you might want to consider this house near the Slieve Bloom mountains.

Dreamfield, Deerpark, Mountrath, Co Laois, a 1,000sq m (10,764sq ft) nine-bedroom property on 11 acres – that comes with a separate pentagonal-shaped cabin – was built by architect Michael Rice, an expert on sacred architecture, for his own family.

Pictures show an extraordinary building glowing with rich timber walls, ceilings and floors, with Buddha statues nestling in alcoves and on stairs. Google Rice's name and you'll find a YouTube video showing its construction.


Agent Paul Kelly of DNG Kelly in Portarlington expects that the buyer will be someone who wants to run a retreat house of some kind, rather than a private family. He's looking for €700,000 for Dreamfield.