Around the block: New guide has tips for tenants

Minister Jan O’Sullivan with Vincent Hickey of SCSI

Getting a deposit back on a rental property often leaves the renter feeling guilty until proven innocent and ultimately short changed. A new guide published this week will at least arm the renter with useful advice for getting their deposit back.

The Guide to Tenancy Deposits has been produced by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI), the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB), Threshold and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and was launched by Minister for Housing Jan O'Sullivan, who has further plans to introduce legislation to establish a Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme.

A Red C poll for the SCSI found that 60 per cent of renters found it difficult to get deposits back but under the proposed new scheme tenants will pay their deposit directly to an independent operator who will then decide whether to refund the full deposit or whether a landlord is entitled to a portion of it.

Legislation as we know, takes time, so in the meantime the new guide offers five key tips on how to get that deposit back.


The advice includes ensuring you have paid your rent in full and that meter readings have been taken and final payment has been arranged. Renters are also advised to take photographs at the start and end of their tenancy so that they are not held accountable for any problems that pre-existed before their stay.

The Guide to Deposits is at