Share your story: Has your healthcare been put on hold since Covid-19?

Have a health issue you have not been able to get treatment for? We want to hear from you

If you have a health issue, what has been your experience since the Covid-19 restrictions came into place? Photograph: iStock

Healthcare for a whole range of non-life-threatening illnesses, from dentistry to physiotherapy, has been put on hold since the outbreak of the coronavirus in Ireland. If you have a health issue that you have not received care for in recent weeks or months, The Irish Times would like to hear from you.

What has been your experience since the Covid-19 restrictions came into place? How has your health been affected? Are you worried about how much longer this will continue, or about other long-term impacts, on waiting lists etc? Do you have private health insurance? Are you worried that private health insurance is nul and void now?

You can share your experiences and opinions using this form. You can attach a photograph of yourself if you wish, though this is optional.

A selection of responses may be published, or a journalist may be in touch by email to follow up on your story.


Thank you.