Health Scan: George Hook, broadcaster

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
Mentally, yes, physically, no. I don't pay any attention to lifestyle gurus who tell me what I should eat, drink or do. I firmly believe that the great creator has a book with everyone's departure date. You're going to die whether you eat vegetables or not.

How often do you exercise?
Up to about two years ago, I swam a mile a day. Something happened and I got out of the habit. I've made a pact with myself that before Christmas I'm going back into the pool. I am a passionate believer in exercise.

Do you get your five a day?
I hate vegetables. For the past 44 years of our marriage, my wife has cooked dinner so there are vegetables, but if I'm on my own and I can choose my food without the eagle eye of the lovely Ingrid, there will be no vegetables.
Do you worry?

When you've had the life I've had – where you've spent 30 years in effective bankruptcy with a marriage going down the toilet with a wife likely to leave – you've nothing to worry about. When you've had guys with baseball bats coming to your door looking for money, what have I got to worry about? Here I am, a fat, bald, toothless old man and people are paying me money to talk, what have I got to worry about?

What do you do to relax?
I can sleep anywhere, anytime. I'm a huge fan of power-naps. I'm a voracious reader even more so since the arrival of the Kindle. And I love television.


What's your unhealthiest habit?
Desserts, chocolate, ice cream, coffee. I'm very unhealthy really, but my cholesterol is 4.7. My view is this whole thing about health is a load of bollocks. Mental health is far more important to me. The healthiest part of my lifestyle is I'm madly in love with that woman I met 45 years ago. Being in love beats anything.

George Hook supports Boots' winter flu vaccination service, available this month at 67 pharmacies nationwide. Visit

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance