Spring greens, barley and chicken broth

Photograph: Emma Jervis
Serves: 4


  • 150g pearl barley
  • 1 litre of chicken stock
  • 2 medium leeks, finely sliced
  • ¼ Savoy cabbage, shredded
  • 1 bunch of spring greens, shredded
  • Any leftover cooked chicken (optional)
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper

This broth is ideal made in advance, and will make a complete meal along with good bread and cheese and a bowl of leaves.

Put the pearl barley in a large pan, cover with cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes. Drain. Return to the pan, add the chicken stock and bring back to a simmer.

2 After about 20 minutes, test the barley – if it's cooked to your liking, move on to step 3. If it seems a bit nutty, simmer a little longer.

3 Add the cabbage and greens and let them simmer for just a couple of minutes, until just tender. Add the leeks and cook for another two minutes, until  they are just tender.

4 If you have some cooked chicken, add it right at the end, when the heat is turned off, season to taste and serve.