A significant number of restaurants around Ireland are offering contactless takeaway and delivery of food from their menus. Here is a list of some that have put these arrangements in place.
Dublin city
Brickfield Town @ Mulligans
Sandymount, Dublin, mulligansofsandymount.ie
Call and collect, on 01-6602061.

Six locations around Dublin, bunsen.ie
You can order for delivery from all branches via Deliveroo; you can also order online for collection via the Bunsen website; or call a branch for collection: Baggot Street on 01-5515833; Dame Street on 01-5613853; Ranelagh on 01-4440071; South Anne Street on 01-6521022; Temple Bar on 01-5599532; Wexford Street on 01-5525408. See separate entries for Belfast and Cork branches.
Cafe de Bróc
Chapelizod, Dublin 20, facebook.com
Call to collect, and for deliveries, on 01-6234779; 4pm-10pm all week.
Cafe Java Sandymount
Sandymount Dublin 4, cafejava.ie
Call and collect, on 01-6674082.
Captain Americas
Various locations, captainamericas.com
Delivery (by Just Eat) plus collection from Grafton Street on 01-6715266 and Blanchardstown on 01-8262340. (For Cork branch, call 021-4278972.)
China Sichuan
Sandyford, Dublin 16, china-sichuan.ie
Call and collect, on 01-2935100.
The Chophouse Gastropub
Dublin 4, chophouse.ie
Call and collect, on 01-6602390.
Cliff Townhouse
St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, clifftownhouse.ie
Call and collect (Friday-Sunday), on 01-6383939, or email info@clifftownhouse.ie.
Damascus Gate
Dublin 2, damascusgate.ie
Delivery available through JustEat and Deliveroo, covering Dublin 2, 6, 6w, 8, 12, 14 and 18.
Elephant & Castle
Various locations, elephantandcastle.ie
Delivery (by JustEat and Deliveroo) plus collection from Rathmines on 01-5720600, Monkstown on 01-5720630, Sandyford on 01-2545747 and Temple Bar on 01-5337563.
Echlin Street, Dublin 8, harkinsbar.ie
Call and collect, on 01-5169601, plus delivery through Deliveroo.
Kinara, Kinara Kitchen and Kajjal
Clontarf, Dublin 3, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, and Malahide, Co Dublin; kinara.ie, kinarakitchen.ie and kajjal.ie
Taking orders from 4pm each day, for collection, via landline and WhatsApp message. If using Whatsapp, include your name, order and preferred collection time. Kinara: 01-8336759 or (WhatsApp only) 089-9610533. Kinara Kitchen: 01-4060066 or (WhatsApp only) 089-9619650. Kajjal: 01-8061960 or (WhatsApp only) 089-9523204.
Ranelagh, Dublin 6, mak.ie
Call and collect, on 01-4060006.
Leeson Street branch only, meltdown.ie
Call and collect, on 085-8761928.
Drumcondra, Dublin 9, nellysdublin.com
Call and collect (weekend brunch), on 01-5984608.
Ranelagh, Dublin 6, nightmarket.ie
Call and collect, plus delivery within 5km, on 01-5385200.
Pizza Yard
Ranelagh, Dublin 6, pizzayard.ie
Order on website or through Deliveroo or JustEat; delivery within 5km.
Artane, taza.ie
Call and collect Monday-Thursday, on 01-5582866; 20 per cent off a la carte menu.
Ranelagh, Dublin 6, tribeca.ie
Delivery and call and collect, on 01-4974174.
Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1, veginity.com
Zero-contact online click-and-collect service: 10 per cent off, plus option to contribute to Feed the Heroes fund, to provide meals to the hospitals nearby.
63a South Great George's Street, Dublin 2 and Unit 136, The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24, wingit.ie
Order online, for collection or delivery.
Dublin county
Bistro One
Foxrock, bistro-one.ie
Call and collect, on 01-2897711 (online ordering coming soon to app).
Malahide, kajjal.ie
Taking orders from 4pm each day, for collection, via landline and WhatsApp message. If using Whatsapp, include your name, order and preferred collection time. Landline: 01-8061960. WhatsApp only: 089-9523204.
Deansgrane, fellinisdublin.com
Order from website for collection or delivery.
Glasthule, rasam.ie
Call and collect, on 01-2300600 (20 per cent discount on the a la carte menu).
Stillorgan, ribarestaurant.ie
Call and collect, on 01-2881999.
Blackrock, ruchii.ie
Call and collect, on 01-4444332, or order for collection via the website.
The Hatch @ Mamó
Howth, mamorestaurant.ie/thehatch
Lunch walk-up; dinner call and collect, on 01-8397096.
Oliveto to Go
Dún Laoghaire, haddingtonhouse.ie
Call and collect, on 01-2800011.
Zero Zero Pizza
Dún Laoghaire, zerozeropizza.ie
Call and collect, on 01-2140533.
Hill Street, bunsen.ie and facebook.com
Order for delivery via Deliveroo; call for collection on 028-90312266. See separate entries for Dublin and Cork branches.
The Olde Post Inn
Cloverhill, theoldepostinn.com
Call and collect, on 047-55555.
Lahinch, randaddys.ie
Call and collect, on 065-7082740.
Scariff, nualas.ie
Call and collect plus delivery, on 0161-921249 or 087-2739503.
Cork city
French Church Street, bunsen.ie
Order for delivery via Deliveroo; order online for collection via the Bunsen website; call for collection on 021-2390660. See separate entries for Dublin and Belfast branches.
Captain Americas
South Main Street, captainamericas.com
Delivery (by Just Eat) plus collection on 021-4278972. (In Dublin, call Grafton Street on 01-6715266 or Blanchardstown on 01-8262340.)
Lapps Quay, facebook.com/docklandcork
For collection, call 021-4278987, text 086-1895244 or email docklandcork@gmail.com.
Cork county
The Townhouse OD's
Schull, facebook.com/thetownhouseods
Call and collect, on 028-28692.
Batch Coffee House
[ batch.ieOpens in new window ]
Call for delivery, on 087-2279156.
Headford Road, scottys.ie
Call and collect, on 091-751006 or 091-700798; delivery through website or whatsfordinner.ie.
The Twelve
Barna, thetwelvehotel.ie
Call and collect, on 091-597011.
Raftery's Rest
Kilcolgan, rafertysrest.com
Call and collect, on 091-796175.
Lizzie's Little Kitchen
Listowel, facebook.com/lizzyslittlekitchen
Call and collect (and delivery within 10km), on 087-3907133.
La Rivista
Parliament Street, larivista.ie
Call for collection or (within 5km) delivery, on 056-7771666.
Clubhouse Gastropub and Riverbank Restaurant
Dromahair, riverbankrestaurant.ie
Call and collect, on 071-9164934.
BR Cafe & Bistro
Carrick-on-Shannon, brcafebistro.com
Call and collect, on 071-9622563.
Off the Bone Gastropub
Limerick city, offthebonegastropub.com
Call and collect, on 061-487410.
Blackbull Inn
Drogheda, blackbullinn.ie
Call and collect, using its drive-through takeaway service, on 041-9837139.
Square Restaurant
Dundalk, squarerestaurant.ie
Call and collect, on 042-9337969.
The Cinnamon Garden
Ashbourne, cinnamongarden.ie
Call and collect, and delivery, on 01-8352777.
Donkey Shed
Ashbourne, newbarnfarm.ie
Call and collect, on 01-8499337.
La Bucca
Ashbourne, Dunboyne and Ratoath, labucca.ie
Call for collection: Ashbourne on 01-8357763, Dunboyne on 01-8252233 and Ratoath on 01-6896040.
Room 8
Navan, roomeight.ie
Call and collect, plus delivery, on 046-9027663.
Courthouse Restaurant
Carrickmacross, courthouserestaurant.ie
Call and collect, on 042-9692848.
Ballybay, facebook.com/kieransrestuarant
Call and collect plus delivery for those confined in their homes, on 042-975 6565.
Sligo, flipside.ie
Delivery preferred (limited collections allowed), on 071-9326928.
Pudding Row, Sweet Beat and Sligo Wellness Centre
Easkey and Sligo town, sligofoodtrail.ie/takeaways-online-ordering
These Sligo Food Trail members are offering online ordering and collection.
Walker 781 Restaurant
Abbey Quarter North, facebook.com/walker1781
Call and collect, on 071-9615525.
John's Street, facebook.com/Bodega
Call and collect, plus delivery, on 051-844969. Free delivery over €30.
John's Street, facebook.com/Burzza
Call and collect, plus delivery, on 051-844969. Free delivery over €30.
Maggie's Feel Good Food
Kilmacthomas, maggiesfeelgoodfood.ie
Call and collect and takeaway (Friday-Sunday), on 089-9891932.
The Craftsman
Waterford city, thecrafsman.ie
Call and collect (10am-2pm), on 051-331007.
The Old Bank
Dungarvan, theoldbankdungarvan.ie
Call and collect, plus delivery, on 058-48189.
Brownes on the Green
Tyrrellspass, brownesonthegreen.ie
Call and collect, on 044-9221755.
Firehouse Bakery
Delgany, thefirehouse.ie
Call and collect, plus delivery in the village and surrounding area, on 085-1561984.
Wicklow town, lilysonchurchstreet.com
Call and collect, on 089-4279279.
Bray, ripasso.ie
Call and collect (and delivery in Bray), on 01-2813675.