Gannet flies away with award

Galway fishmonger voted best supplier by restaurants

Stefan Griesbach (on the right), with Vladimir Mazur and Marie Kavanagh at the Gannet Fishmongers stall at Galway Farmers’ Market

Stefan Griesbach’s Gannet Fishmongers in Galway has been voted Supplier of the Year 2013 by the winners of Bord Bia’s Just Ask restaurant of the month campaign. The scheme, which has been running since 2009, aims to promote food provenance information on menus, and support local suppliers.

In addition to supplying restaurants, Gannet Fishmongers has a stall at the Galway Farmers’ Market, which is renowned for the variety as well as the quality of the fish it sells.

More than a third of the restaurateurs who voted said they spend between 80 and 100 per cent of their monthly budget with local suppliers, and three-quarters said the range of ingredients available from local suppliers has significantly increased in the past 12 months.

Marie Claire Digby

Marie Claire Digby

Marie Claire Digby is the former Senior Food Writer at The Irish Times