Did you decide to go abroad after your Leaving Certificate results?

Share your story on life overseas after your Leaving Cert - did you make the right decision or have regrets?

Share your story on life overseas after your Leaving Certificate. Photograph: iStock

It's a tense time for thousands of students across the country as the Leaving Cert results were revealed on Tuesday. We all remember that day - tears of joy for many and tears of disappointment for others - as decisions about our future needed to be made.

Irish Times Abroad is asking people to share your story if your Leaving Cert results prompted you to move abroad after receiving them? Was it a tough decision at the time? Did it change the direction of your life? Did you find the move hindered or helped you in the long term? Did you take a gap year or study abroad? Did your decision to move overseas then influence the career you have now? What did you learn from the experience? If you could go back in time would you change anything you did? Do Irish people put too much focus on the Leaving Cert? Have you found your Leaving Cert results are recognised abroad? Did you go abroad because you felt Ireland failed you with the lack of options of what to do after the Leaving Cert?

You can share your views and experiences using this form. Please include a photograph of yourself if you have one, and a few lines about you - your age, where you live now and what you do.

A selection of responses may be published as part of our Leaving Cert results coverage this week. Thank you.