“We completely glamorise trees, so why not glamorise ourselves?” argues Dublin based designer Jen Nollaig aka Jenny Wilson, who has created madcap looks for Christmas based on tree decorations.
“I have always been fanatical about Christmas so I have used this as the inspiration for my work. I look at decorations and think how I can wear them rather than how they will look on my tree.” (She has three Christmas trees at home by the way, some looking rather bald).
A graduate of Limerick School of Art and Design who interned with Joanne Hynes and then moved to London to further her fashion dreams found instead another less creative life in the corporate world.
The birth of her second child six months ago, however, released her “dormant designer” which resulted in these creations which she started last October upcycling old garments and charity shop finds and customising them with Christmas decorations – tinsel, wrapping, faux fur, glitter stars and foil decor.
“The designer is back and taking no prisoners”, she says. Already Nollaig is planning next year’s Christmas looks.
“I have never felt so alive and have been so encouraged by people’s responses to my work. My goal is to inspire others to get creative this season.”

Check out her Instagram #jen_nollaig or contact her at jennollaig@gmail.com