John Wilson: Two good-value bottles to try — a white and a red, both from Tesco

Wines for the Weekend: A light, zesty South African Chenin Blanc and a fruity Rioja Crianza, from Spain

Wines for the Weekend: Cape Kayla Chenin Blanc and Marqués de los Zancos Rioja Crianza, both from Tesco
Wines for the Weekend: Cape Kayla Chenin Blanc and Marqués de los Zancos Rioja Crianza, both from Tesco

This week two wines new to Tesco in Ireland. Chenin Blanc, which is widely grown in South Africa, produces wines that vary in style from light and zesty to rich and textured. This definitely lies in the former camp. We love Rioja in this country, Rioja Reserva in particular. A Rioja Crianza spends less time in oak barrels than a Reserva and is therefore typically fruitier, with less spice. I often prefer them, and they generally cost less, too.

Cape Kayala Chenin Blanc 2021 Western Cape, €7.11

A light, refreshing, crisp dry white wine with mouth-watering melons and zesty grapefruit. Try it before dinner with nibbles or light seafood dishes. Crab linguine sounds perfect.

Marqués de los Zancos Rioja Crianza 2019, €8.50

Medium-bodied with ripe plum fruits and subtle notes of sweet vanilla. Try it with lamb cutlets or a tray bake of tomatoes, beans and peppers.

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