John Wilson: Two good-value Argentinian wines to try, including a Malbec — but it’s not a red

Wines for the Weekend: Both of these bottles — a white and a rosé — are from Tesco, with reductions if you have a Clubcard

Wines for the Weekend: Doña Paula Los Cardos Chardonnay and Early Harvested Rosé 2021, both from Tesco
Wines for the Weekend: Doña Paula Los Cardos Chardonnay and Early Harvested Rosé 2021, both from Tesco

This week two wines from Argentina, including a Malbec, but no red wine. Argentina is famous for its rich, muscular reds, usually made from the Malbec grape, that go so well with the national dish, the asado, or barbecue. But Argentina has much more to offer. So this week a white and a rosé (made from Malbec) that would go down very nicely with your barbecue and on other occasions too. Both are from Tesco.

Doña Paula Los Cardos Chardonnay 2019, Mendoza, Argentina, €10 (€8.50 with Clubcard)

The Irish barbecue is no longer just about slinging hunks of red meat on to the grill. These days we also cook all sorts of other meat, fish and vegetables. Grilled fish, chicken and even pork go equally well with a richer white wine, as do courgettes, aubergines, cauliflower and root vegetables. This Chardonnay is medium to full bodied, with creamy tropical fruits matched by a refreshing citrus acidity. It would certainly cover all the above food options and more.

Doña Paula Early Harvested Rosé 2021, Mendoza, Argentina, €15 (€10 with Clubcard)

Very few chefs can time a barbecue to be ready just when you need it. During that interminable wait you need something light in alcohol with plenty of fruit, to keep you upright and hungry. This early-harvested Malbec rosé, a mere 11.5% abv, would be perfect; fragrant with piquant redcurrant fruits, it would make a great apero by itself or with a few nibbles.

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