Name: Corina Herbert
Age: 16
School: Mercy College Coolock, Malahide Road, Dublin 5
Anticipation; The Game
My legs are shaking. My stomach is turning
The pressure right now is almost unbearable
I keep checking that I am completely ready
Shoes are tied, top is on properly
I can feel the pressure in the changing room
Everyone is silent, thinking about the game
I hear coach "No more dilly-dallying lads, it's time"
A shiver runs down my spine
We are making our way through the tunnel
The cheers and the boos blocked out by spinning thoughts in my head.
"What if I miss the shot?"
"What if I pass to the wrong team?"
We are on the pitch now
The tension is so high between us and Kerry right now
The same thoughts are still circling through my brain
"What if it's my fault we lose?" "What if – "
The whistle blows, and with that my stomach has dropped
Everyone is running for the ball
I am running too, nervously,
Though for once in my life I don't want to have the ball passed to me
It is my chance to score a goal; my team mate passes me the ball
I take my shot, I can't watch. I hear the crowd screaming "HE SCORED"