One of the reasons Jeff Buckley’s music is so special to me is because I came across him at a time where I felt almost suspended; some things were coming to an end but newness and movement seemed so distant. That created a rather mellow and silent setting. So I feasted upon the intimate yet powerful blend within his music.
Buckley’s sound meanders between ornaments and simplicity; anthemic lines and whispers; chest and falsetto vocals; walls of sound and dying sustain. It creates an almost magical output. It is a true expression of the outpouring of life, through music. I have always tried to capture and maintain that relationship in my work.

Experimentation and some creative risk were clearly necessary elements for Buckley. They also form an important process within my writing; it is like a journey and within it you can come across some beautiful things. I am learning to love the connecting lines – for they, too, play their part.
Kitt Philippa just released a new single Human and plays East Side Tavern in Dublin on July 12th