1. New Jackson - There Will Always Be This Love
A few short months since the release of the excellent New Jackson debut record From Night To Night, this song appears on the new compilation celebrating 10 years of the esteemed European electronic label Permanent Vacation. Frequent collaborator Margie Lewis provides the melodic heart to David Kitt’s mechanical swing.

2. Rusangano Family - Tea In The Pot
Only an Irish rap group could write a convincing banger about a cup of tea and Rusangano Family have seeped their teabag and come up with a grime-indebted song dedicated to the age old question - Lyons or Barry’s?
3. Henry Earnest - Good Day
Mixing, nay, colliding samples of a well-known Christmas song with Lil Yachty, Dublin Soft Boy Records artist Henry Earnest earns our respect with this playful and polychromatic pop oddity.
4. Proper Micro NV - Opinion X
The 22 year-old Limerick singer, writer and producer Rory Hall makes electronic music that sounds as influenced by James Blake in both production and voice. His newest song features his honeyed tones over some square-waving synthesizers. He plays Hard Working Class Heroes later this month.
5. Basciville - Diving Hour
Cillian and Lorcan Byrne make up the Wexford duo Basciville appeared on the scene with a song that had the rub of a certain Hozier but since then the brothers have been revealed slower, less-obvious shades in their music. Diving Hour confirms the band’s desire to stand apart with a moving acoustic-lead song that bursts into colour. The Byrne brothers are stopping to smell the roses and it suits them, and us. They are on a nationwide tour in September and early October calling at Galway, Cork, Limerick, Clonakilty and Dublin.
6. Inner City Radio - S.O.S
A Limerick-based collaboration between Emøly and Sean O’Mahony, Inner City Radio’s first song from a full-length S.O.S is a bluesy scuzz with digital beats that sounds tailor-made for slinking around the corridors of a sleazy motel.
7. Pale Rivers - West Point
The Cork indie-rock band Pale Rivers have been taking their time when it comes to releases. Their third single recorded at Gavin Glass’ Orphan Studios in Dublin with Gavin Glass producing the track, delves into a swirling guitar chaos, amplified by a video (directed by Kevin McGloughlin and Mike Lee) of a contorting body on a jungle gym.
Known for her acting roles in films like A Date For Mad Mary, Moon Dogs and TV shows The Fall and Raw, Tara Lee’s music career is also on the up and she’s taken advantage of working in two mediums by providing the theme song to TV3 show Jack Taylorlast year. A debut EP is forthcoming and new song Narcotic Heartestablishes her style as LA-indebted atmospheric pop.