Larry Gus is Panagiotis Melidis, a Greek producer and singer making an impression with his sunnysideup psych pop. There's certainly much on Years Not Living to show that Melidis knows his onions when it comes to finding his way around dusty grooves and experimental sounds. Pericles and The Night Patrols (A Man Asleep) are lovingly crafted and textured, full of colourful slides and sidesteps into a wash of sound that sometimes recall the sampledelica approach of The Avalanches. When Melidis goes to work with a groove, the listener is rewarded with bursts of sonic candy. He's less successful when he tries to straight-bat his pop, as these songs aren't quite strong or robust enough to stand on their own merits in this regard. That quibble aside, there's little here which is truly unpleasant, and Years Not Living does reward your attention.
Download: Pericles, The Night Patrols (A Man Asleep)
Larry Gus: Years Not Living