Hugh Buckley & Nigel Clark: The Day of the Duo

The Day of the Duo
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Artist: Hugh Buckley & Nigel Clark
Genre: Jazz
Label: Silverwood

Guitarist Hugh Buckley has always been about making sweet music. Sure, there's darkness in his George Benson-ish playing, but the genial Dubliner's default mode is generally bright and upbeat. It's hard not to crack a smile when listening to his easily flowing bop-inflected lines. Buckley's duo with Glaswegian acoustic guitarist Nigel Clark is not of long standing, but their contrasting versions of the six-stringed instrument blend well together. Buckley's breezy, open playing and his generosity as an accompanist find a willing accomplice in Clark. This first outing, a meditation on some of the grandest chestnuts of the standard repertoire (even Autumn Leaves gets a run out) will put a smile of the face of many guitar fans. It all bodes well for further encounters.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director