Zoë Conway and John McIntyre – Live In Concert review: Eclectic mix of gems

Live in Concert
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Artist: Zoe Conway and John McIntyre
Genre: Traditional
Label: Independent Release

Zoë Conway is a traditional fiddle player who wears her classical training lightly – and both shimmer in the heat of this live European recording.

With beautifully judged spare guitar accompaniment from her husband John McIntyre (owing some debt to the subtlety wrought by Dennis Cahill down through the years), Conway trips the light fantastic through an eclectic mix of tunes.

From the opening Tune For A Found Harmonium through the Grappelli swing of Tiger Rag, Conway flashes her considerable chops with chutzpah.

However, it’s when she takes her foot off the pedal that the real colour and shade emerge.


Her take on Paddy's Rambles Through The Park is a masterclass in minimalism, and her song choices (including Ger Wolfe's The Curra Road) are the most delicate snapshots of a musician capable of almost anything.

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Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long

Siobhán Long, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about traditional music and the wider arts