Ulrika Spacek prove too much Television can be a good thing

Modern English Decoration
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Artist: Ulrika Spacek
Genre: Alternative
Label: Tough Love Records

Any band that previews album tracks for their fans via a “secret” phone number and an answering machine is fine by us. London-based indie rock band Ulrika Spacek were formed in Berlin three years ago by friends Rhys Edwards and Rhys Williams, who schlepped it back to the UK to hook up with like-minded mates Joseph Stone, Ben White and Callum Brown.

The plan was simple: use a three-person guitar strategy that referenced the twin-headed intersections of Television's Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd, and structure the songs as if The Only Ones had never split up.

The woozy results are terrific (if familiar), with songs such as Mimi Pretend, Dead Museum, Ziggy, Everything all the Time, and Victorian Acid oozing out of the earphones like surround-sound hypnosis.

ulrikaspacek.comOpens in new window ]

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture