Rachael Sage split from her partner of four years; Haunted by You is the result. We've been here before many times, and no doubt we will be here again – that ole devil called love is a troublemaker, for sure, and heartache/break is a ripe topic for self-expression. And so we have a 13-track song cycle, based primarily on love-lost issues that meander their way from start to finish. There's no denying the despair on display ("I know it's wrong," sings Sage in Invisible Light, "but every time you look at me I see the stars of denial in your eyes"), but the song arrangements soon lose their lustre; indeed, you're halfway through when the words "Mary" and "Black" spring to mind. Which means, good, serious sentiments are delivered – if not neutered – via the musical equivalent of mid-afternoon pleasantries.
rachaelsage. com
Download: Invisible Light, The Sequin Song
Rachel Sage: Haunted by You