Táim ag glanadh mo mháthar go cúramach
Le huisce, sobal is éadach
Tá cibeal ag déanamh ar an gcathair
Dubhfhórsa ag druidim le Kabul
Na heileacoptair cheana féin ag tuirlingt
Táim ag glanadh mo mháthar go cúramach
Ag cuimilt go séimh na mball brúite
An craiceann bog a dubhadh
Dubhfhórsa ag druidim le Kabul
Ag scuabadh leis mianta is toil
Tabharfad faoina droim le dúthracht
Tirimeod í le cáiréis
Ag cuimhneamh gan stad ar impact
An teannadh in aghaidh fórsa nirt
Is mé ag glanadh mo mháthar go cúramach
Dubhfhórsa ag druidim le Kabul.
Translated by Billy Ramsell
I'm washing my mother so carefully
With water, soap and sponge
A discord makes for the capitol
The black forces closing in on Kabul
The helicopters already settling
I'm washing my mother so carefully
Caressing, with care, the bruised parts
Her gentle skin that was blackened
The black forces closing in on Kabul
Scooping up wishes and will
I'll see to her back with due diligence
So delicately I'll dry it
Thinking, forever, of impact,
The bracing before vulgar force
I'm washing my mother so carefully
The black forces closing in on Kabul
Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhuigh’s most recent collection is The Coast Road (Gallery Press). Billy Ramsell’s latest book is The Architect’s Dream of Winter (Dedalus Press)