Books: Vote for the best Irish fiction of the 21st century

Our experts have ranked the best Irish novels and story collections published since 2000. Now it is your turn

Best 100 Irish books of the 21st century
Best 100 Irish books of the 21st century

The Irish Times assembled a panel of 60 experts – authors, critics, academics, festival curators, booksellers and journalists – to select the best Irish novels and short story collections of the years 2000-2025.

The panel chose Milkman by Anna Burns (2018) as the best Irish fiction book of the 21st century.

John McGahern’s That They May Face The Rising Sun (2002) finished in second place, with Solar Bones by Mike McCormack (2016) in third.

Now we are asking readers to vote and rank their favourites from the best 25 Irish books of the 21st century, as chosen by our expert panel.


You can vote for as many or as few titles on the top 25 list as you wish. It may be the case that you only feel strongly about your top five or top 10. Once finished, please click on the “vote” button at the end of the list. You will then be presented with the updated rankings in order of most popular titles as voted by readers.

The 100 best Irish books of the 21st century: No 100 to No 51Opens in new window ]

The 100 best Irish books of the 21st century: No 50 to No 26Opens in new window ]

The 100 best Irish books of the 21st century: No 25 to No 1Opens in new window ]

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The 100 best Irish books of the 21st century: how we made the list and what it says about the state of Irish fictionOpens in new window ]