Northern Irish man to head British Chambers of Commerce

Francis Martin takes over role at ‘crucial time for the UK economy’

Francis Martin, who is originally from Moy, Co Tyrone, and is a partner in BDO Northern Ireland

The British Chambers of Commerce, one of the UK's largest business bodies, has appointed its first Northern Ireland president in its 156 year history.

Francis Martin, who is originally from Moy in Co Tyrone and is a partner in BDO Northern Ireland, takes over the role at what he believes is a "crucial time for the UK economy".

Mr Martin, a former president of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce, said he intended to represent the diverse interests of members of the organisation’s 52 affiliated chambers, which employ more than five million people.

He said chambers of commerce provided a vital voice and conduit for their members’ views and concerns, particularly at the current time when the UK “faces unprecedented change” .


Following the Brexit vote businesses throughout the UK needed to see the government showing firm leadership on issues that are crucial to business growth, he said.


Francess McDonnell

Francess McDonnell

Francess McDonnell is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in business