THE unprecedented flood of Irish films currently being screened in Irish cinemas is the end product of steady growth in the sector over the last few years. IBEC, in its report, The Economic Impact of Film Production in Ireland 1995, pointed out that losses to the exchequer from the Section 35 "tax breaks were recouped through wage taxation. In 1995 £100.1 million was spent on film and TV production, with two thirds of this going to Irish personnel and goods and services purchased in Ireland. "That translates into 16,031 people on 97 productions, making the equivalent of 1,266 full time jobs," IBEC pointed out.
The organisation warned there is increasing competition from other countries for this film and TV production work and the early indications are that the reduction in the Section 35 relief has driven down spending to around £80 million. The Government should devise new tax and incentive schemes, IBEC urged.