Web Log: Snowden Treaty aims to outlaw mass surveillance

Noam Chomsky is among the public figures supporting the stance against surveillance

Mass surveillance: We shouldn’t be comfortable or complacent about our electronic communications.

We live in the age of surveillance and while many of us don’t notice and even more try not to think about it, every so often we worry about how often the all-seeing Eye of Sauron swings our way.

Edward Snowden and some other prominent privacy activists have launched what is being called the Snowden Treaty, or A new International Treaty on the Right to Privacy, Protection against Improper Surveillance and Protection of Whistleblowers. The idea is to gather support for an international treaty that could outlaw mass surveillance and guarantee both public transparency and accountability while also protecting whistleblowers like Snowden.

We shouldn't be comfortable or complacent about the mass surveillance of our electronic communications. Public figures including David Miranda, Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald stand behind the Snowden Treaty because trotting out the "There's nothing to worry about if you've nothing to hide" line is no longer acceptable.
