Web Log: Get Frinky with the Simpsons GIF search engine

Frinkiac search engine has almost three million screenshots from season 1 to 15

Frinkiac: a must-try for Simpsons fans

Roughly 95 per cent of my street smarts and life lessons are derived from The Simpsons.

For example: you don’t win friends with salad and if at first you don’t succeed, give up. And then I discovered Frinkiac, a search engine for Simpsons GIF. Until today, I wasn’t truly alive.

The Frinkiac search engine, named after Professor Frink, has almost three million screenshots from season 1 to 15 of The Simpsons.

These images have been made searchable by quotes using closed captioning text. When you find the desired images they can be stitched together for a custom animated GIF.


It’s possible to make a plain animated GIF or an automated ‘meme’ ie a GIF with overload text supplied by the search engine.

The latter is a nice addition because it comes in Simpsons font.

Tip: don’t bother searching by description, it is indexed by dialogue only.

https://frinkiac.com/Opens in new window ]