Twitter chief operating officer resigns as user growth flags

Ali Rowghani leaves focial media firm following sharp fall in stock price

Twitter chief operating officer Ali Rowghani: praised for orchestrating a series of financing deals that culminated in successful IPO. Photograph: EPA/Jeon Heon-Kyun

Twitter has announced the resignation of its chief operating officer, who had been responsible for the social media company's increasingly urgent efforts to revive user growth.

Ali Rowghani, who had also served as chief financial officer at Twitter, had been praised for orchestrating a series of financing deals that culminated in a successful initial public offering in 2013.

Since 2012, he had also been given decision-making power for Twitter’s core social media product as well as for increasing the number of users and boosting revenue. But the mood within the company turned sour over as user growth flagged and its stock price traded at nearly half its value six months ago.

Twitter said Mr Rowghani’s responsibilities would be taken over by other managers and he would remain as a strategic adviser. – (Reuters)