Things trumps Wunderlist as the ultimate planning app

Web Log: Culture Code’s release allow for greater categorisation and fine-tuning

While I love the sheer simplicity of Wunderlist, it lacks certain features to make it the perfect “to-do list” app. Things wins on this front: this app from developers Cultured Code works across macOS and iOS and elevates nested lists to an art form.

Recently redesigned, Things looks clean and behaves in a streamlined manner; it is so easy to create a project or area, add a to-do inside the project and creates sub-lists within this.

Say, for example, you want to keep family plans separate from work. Create an area labelled “family”, and inside this you can add projects, eg, Emily’s birthday party, where you can add a description and to-dos such as cake, venue, etc. Each item in the list can be assigned a deadline and have tags added for finding easily. All items are grouped within the side menu under “today”, “soon”, or “sometime”, so once you log in you can see what needs tackling first.

If you are a list fiend and haven’t found an app that allows for enough categorisation and annotation (while also integrating your iPhone or Mac calendar), then Things is the thing for you. in new window ]