Ten things to do on day two of the Dublin Web Summit

Learn about digital money, pitch your story to ‘The Irish Times’, see Elon Musk and more . . .

Paypal founder Elon Musk will be taking to the stage with Taoiseach Enda Kenny for a ‘fireside chat’. Photograph: Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

1) Bring a dongle. The Dublin Web Summit may be Europe’s biggest tech conference but the internet access is atrocious. If by some pure chance you can log on to the wifi, you will find it is very ,very slow.

2) Make a schedule of speakers. The web summit app, which details the schedule of who is speaking when and where, is not the best. There was no printed guide for this year’s event, with all speaker information being made available through an app which was far from perfect .

3) Get to the food summit early. Unless you want to queue with thousands of other attendees for an age, get to Herbert Park Hotel early for your lunch. The food is great, if you can get it.

4) See Elon Musk. The can't-miss event is also the finale talk of the Dublin Web Summit. Paypal founder and Hyperloop dreamer Musk, who was added to the Web Summit cast at the last minute, will be taking to the stage with Taoiseach Enda Kenny for a "fireside chat".


5) Check out the Alpha Village. The start-ups exhibiting at the Alpha Village will be different from yesterday, so be sure to check them out and discover what kind of ideas and innovations are going to shape the future. You might even come across the next Twitter or Facebook. Some web summit start-up alumni include Hailo and Stripe.

6) Get some moolah. More than 300 investors are intending the event including venture capital firms Andreessen Horowitz, Atomico and Google Ventures so be sure to nab them.

7) Learn about digital money at today’s Exploding Money talk on the main stage.

8 ) Pitch your story to The Irish Times. Come along to The Irish Times stand in the main hall and pitch the story of your start-up. We will publish the best.

9 ) Go to the Library Stage. A standout talk at the Library Stage today is "Big Data for Good or for Ill". And we're not just recommending it because our very own Johnny Ryan will be speaking. Shutterstock founder Jon Oringer will also be speaking.

10) Discover what the techie youth are up to. Teenage entrepreneur Jordan Casey will be giving a keynote speech on the digital marketing stage at 3.25pm. He is a seasoned speaker and has several apps in the Apple store, despite being just 13 years old.