Tech Tools: UA Healthbox has everything you need to monitor your health

UA band, heart-rate monitor and wifi-enabled scales included in package

UA Healthbox, €400

Activity trackers are a great invention or the work of the devil depending on what side of the fence you sit when it comes to having your every move monitored. But let’s say you like the idea of knowing how active you are in a day. Perhaps you want to take the next step and track things such as your weight and heart rate to give a more rounded view of your fitness and health.

This is where the UA Healthbox comes in. Due for launch in the summer, it’s a package with the UA band, heart-rate monitor and wifi-enabled scales all in one. It was designed with tech firm HTC. It’s everything you need to get going and start paying more attention to your health in one neat package. Except for willpower and motivation; you’ll have to provide that yourself.

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