Irish co-founded start-up Arroe raises nearly €750,000 via crowdfunding

Company has developed a smart charging system for laptops and other mobile devices

Arroe is currently negotiating a contract with Ingram Micro, one of the largest distributors in the US for tech products for its solution

Arroe, an Irish co-founded start-up that is developing smart charging system for laptops and other mobile devices, has raised over £650,000 (€749.548) in a crowdfunding campaign.

The London-based company, whose products are due to launch shortly with Amazon Launchpad and Best Buy in the US, easily surpassed a £500,000 funding target with 334 investors backing its Crowdcube campaign, which still has a number of days to run.

Founded in 2016 by Irishmen Eoin Cooney and Niall McGuinness, along with Randolph Manderstam, the start-up has previously raised £455,000 from backers that include Canadian venture capital firm LoyalVC.

Arroe co-founders Eoin Cooney, Niall McGuinness and Randolph Manderstam

Arroe is currently negotiating a contract with Ingram Micro, one of the largest distributors in the US for tech products for its solution, which like Sonos speakers, Ring doorbells or Nest thermostats, combines hardware and software into one system. As well as a physical charging device, an accompanying app monitors the battery levels of all your mobile devices in one place and notifies users when charging is required. The system is available to purchase from the Arroe website priced at $249 (€205) .


“The company was started to give everyone the freedom to work from anywhere and use their devices however they want and without battery limitations,” Mr Cooney, Arroe’s chief executive said.

“With most workers now in a situation where they are working remotely, our charging system means they don’t have to be restricted,” he added.

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor is a former Irish Times business journalist