International computing conference comes to Belfast

ISPASS focuses on performance analysis of computer systems and software

Queen’s University Belfast. Photograph: iStock

Belfast is set to play host to an international computing conference, with the IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS) in April.

Queen’s University Belfast will be the venue for the event, which attracts world-class researchers from all over the world. The conference is a forum for sharing advanced academic and industrial work focused on performance analysis of computer systems and software.

Among the themes it will explore are datacentres, power and energy efficiency of computing systems, graphics processors, and emerging big data workloads.

A second conference, the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing will be held in September. This event will look at scalable computing, with researchers sharing recent accomplishments and technological developments in the fields of cluster and cloud computing for scientific and commercial applications.


"We are privileged to host these premier conferences in Belfast," said Professor Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, General Chair of ISPASS 2018 and CLUSTER 2018, and Director of ECIT at Queen's University. "ISPASS and CLUSTER attract world leading researchers to present the latest advances on the bleeding edge of computing technologies for taming the data deluge."

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist