Science comics are a small but fast-growing niche aimed not only at children but also adults. In fact, many of these graphic novels have sophisticated themes that resonate more with the reader when rendered in absorbing illustrations. One such comic is Peak Oil, the latest title from artist Stuart McMillen who has for some time now been writing and drawing long-form comics that address topics like ecology, sustainability, psychology and economics. Peak Oil features M King Hubbert, an American geoscientist who, while working for the Shell oil company, came up with the bulk of the theory now known as "peak oil". The visual metaphor for this is a rollercoaster King Hubbert travels along until he reaches the top and reflects on how we have squandered a non-renewal resource that will only continue to decline in production volume until all is gone. comics_en/peak-oil/
![An extract from Stuart McMillen’s graphic novel Peak Oil](