Free Google course teaches fairness in machine learning

New 60-minute video examines how to identify and evaluate types of bias

Even if you are not a software engineer, you are a consumer of the fruits of their work and it behoves all of us to educate ourselves on how they function.

Algorithmic bias, or the notion that human biases can be magnified when consciously or subconsciously programmed into algorithms, has been a hot topic in machine learning. How do we create “fair” algorithms that behave in as unbiased a manner as possible?

Google has released a free 60-minute online course on fairness as part of its popular Machine Learning Crash Course. This includes a short video lecture, materials on types of bias and how to identify and evaluate for bias, and a programming exercise to put your learning into action.

Even if you are not a software engineer, you are a consumer of the fruits of their work and it behoves all of us to educate ourselves on how they function (and malfunction). Put aside an hour of your time this weekend in between binge watching Killing Eve and pop the hood on the algorithms that power your smartphone apps, social media timelines, search engine results, loan applications, your car's proximity sensor and on and on ad techneam. in new window ]