Batman has a mission. Black Mask has assembled a group of assassins and together they are wreaking havoc on Gotham. Time to don the batsuit, and take care of business. You do this through a series of fist fights and special attacks with typically over the top names such as “martial law” and “escalating justice”, upgrading the batsuit and your skills as you defeat goon after goon. Should be fun, right? Wrong. There’s the odd swipe here and there, but most of your combat is limited to endless tapping. Oh sure, the game throws you a bone in terms of different stances – assault and defence – but there isn’t enough variety here to make it worth playing. You fight the rank and file goons in different environments, but very little changes; defeat one and another drops into place until the mission is done. There are boss battles to open up different areas of the map, but not even they can save players from a tedious end.
Batman: Arkham Origins