Avaya creates 75 new jobs in Galway

Company is recruiting staff for engineering, finance, IT and administrative roles

Avaya country manager for Ireland Jason Flynn pictured at the firm’s Galway premises.

Global communications company Avaya is to create 75 new jobs at its customer experience centre in Galway.

The company currently employs over 400 people in Galway of which 245 are engaged in R&D activities.

Avaya said it is recruiting staff for a number of roles, including research and development, engineering, finance, IT, and administrative support. The expanded team will focus on developing customer and team engagement technologies and next generation networking products.

Avaya country manager for Ireland, Jason Flynn, said the expansion of the Galway customer experience centre will ensure that "world class innovation continues to thrive" at Avaya and in Ireland.


Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton said: "Increasingly, we are focusing on turning the good ideas that we have developed through investments in this area (R&D) over the past decade into good jobs."

Avaya is one of the world’s most innovative technology companies holding 5,934 patents and patent applications worldwide.