Striking Out TV production company gets €2.16m in tax credits

Accounts filed by Blinder Films show €255k in Irish Film Board development loans

Stars of TV drama Striking Out, l-r: Rory Keenan, Fiona O’ Shaughnessy, Amy Huberman, Neil Morrissey, and Emmet Byrne.

The independent production company that produced TV series Striking Out, starring Amy Huberman, last year received tax credits totalling €2.16 million from Revenue.

Accounts filed by Blinder Films Ltd show the tax credits under Section 481 of the Taxes Consolidation Act were for a number of productions including two series of Striking Out. The accounts show that the business recorded a loss of €63,330 in the 12 months to the end of June last. Its accumulated profits stood at €259,538.

The numbers employed at the company remained static at five and pay to directors increased from €148,709 to €165,716 made up of emoluments of €85,716 and pension payments of €80,000.

At year-end, Blinder Films had €255,890 in development loans from the Irish Film Board that are interest free and repayable when the projects concerned go into production.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times