Former Newstalk editor-in-chief returns as consultant

Communicorp radio station says search for permanent replacement is ongoing

Garrett Harte, former editor-in-chief of Newstalk, has returned to the station as a consultant. Photograph: Maxwell’s

Newstalk's former editor-in-chief Garrett Harte is returning to the station as a consultant while owner Communicorp continues its search to appoint a permanent replacement.

Mr Harte left Newstalk in December after 14 years, having joined it as station editor when it first launched in 2002.

He will work for Newstalk four days a week until the end of the year, Communicorp told staff. Work to appoint a new editor-in-chief is said to be ongoing.

No appointment was made earlier this year after an initial trawl for candidates.



Newstalk currently has no editor-in-chief or chief executive, following the decision of Denis O'Brien's Communicorp to remove the chief executive posts from each of its individual stations. This reshuffle prompted the exit of Tim Collins in April.

The station's managing editor, Patricia Monahan, said last week that Newstalk was "in a strong position" following changes to its schedule, although the Joint National Listenership Research (JNLR) figures will not be able to fully gauge the performance of its new shows until October.

“The new schedule is resonating well with our audience and we are looking forward to continuing this trend,” Ms Monahan said.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics