Comcast makes case for Time Warner Cable deal to US regulator

Filing with Federal Communications Commission launches review of $45.2bn merger

Opponents of merger say combined entity would have too much power. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg

Comcast's merger with Time Warner Cable would not deprive consumers of TV or broadband choices and would help the two companies compete against newcomers including Google and Apple in the video market, Comcast told US regulators yesterday.

Comcast's filing with the Federal Communications Commission formally launches the regulatory review of the proposed $45.2 billion merger between the two largest cable operators. The US Department of Justice will conduct the antitrust review and the commission will examine whether the deal is in the public interest.

Comcast said the combined entity would serve just under 30 per cent of the US pay television video market. Opponents say the firm would have too much power over what Americans can watch on TV and do online. – (Reuters)