BreastCheck campaign aims to normalise having a mammogram

Ads by creative agency Rothco reach out to women who haven’t used HSE service

The television ad for the HSE’s BreastCheck service aims to promote a “positive attitude” towards screening for women aged 50-64
The television ad for the HSE’s BreastCheck service aims to promote a “positive attitude” towards screening for women aged 50-64

A new advertising campaign for the HSE’s BreastCheck service uses “relatable women in everyday environments” to encourage women in the target age group who haven’t yet participated in the screening programme to do so.

The aim of the new ads is to "break down any barriers" that may be used as an excuse not to go for a mammogram, according to the creative agency behind the campaign, Rothco.

The women in the ads are depicted in situations where they would “naturally converse”, giving each other advice and sharing their experience, “thereby normalising BreastCheck”.

Although the National Cancer Screening Service’s BreastCheck programme has a participation rate of about 70 per cent among the 50- to 64-year-old age group to which it is offered, fear, busy lives and “an unwillingness to accept that they are of the age to have a mammogram” have all been identified as reasons why women might not use it.


According to Rothco, the new ads, which feature real women who have used the service, are designed to “reach out” to those women and reflect their concerns, imbuing a “positive attitude” towards screening.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics