The Economist's series of management books tend to be well-researched, highly practical guides to their subject areas and this title is no exception. Sub-titled "recruiting, retaining and getting the most out of talented people", this book covers the whole spectrum of the war for talent.
Because talented people are in short supply, the hunt for them has taken on a new urgency, according to the authors. Original research they have undertaken for the publication reveals that there is a well-established approach to making the most of gifted employees, but it is beginning to look outmoded and ineffective in the face of the global fight for talent. They also find evidence that CEOs and HR managers are dissatisfied with their talent programmes and are looking for new ways to make sure that high-flying employees are identified and nurtured.
Among the interesting observations is that an internationally mobile group of employees has emerged who can pick and choose where they work.
The book includes a good range of case studies from companies including Google, Apple, Mars, Santander, Unilever and Tata.