One More Thing: IFSC bankers chew the fat at the Marker

Former taoiseach John Bruton, Chairman of IFSC Ireland

There will be yet another invasion of chalk-striped suits in the city next Tuesday, when the Federation of International Banks in Ireland (FIBI), a division of the Irish Banking Federation, holds its annual conference. The gig takes place in the Marker hotel, probably just a stiff three-wood over the river from where FIBI's members ply their trade at the IFSC.

The theme of the conference is how Ireland can drive growth at the IFSC. Keeping Angela Merkel at bay might be a good place to start.

Speakers include the president of IFSC Ireland, John Bruton, and assorted senior suits from BNP Paribas, Wells Fargo and Belfius. Fiona McMahon, the central bank regulator for IFSC banks, will be there too.

Also on the podium will be Kevin Gardiner, the head of investment for Barclays Wealth. Gardiner famously coined the term "Celtic Tiger" in 1994. I wonder what moniker he has dreamed up for the current state of the Irish economy. If I hear Celtic Comeback one more time, I'm going to scream.

Mark Paul

Mark Paul

Mark Paul is London Correspondent for The Irish Times