Fexco switches to Oracle CRM software

BUSINESS SERVICE provider Fexco has turned to on-demand solutions to support the planned expansion of its customer service capabilities…

BUSINESS SERVICE provider Fexco has turned to on-demand solutions to support the planned expansion of its customer service capabilities.

The company used Oracle’s on-demand CRM software to replace its own bespoke applications, basing the new system at Fexco’s customer contact centre in Co Kerry.

The new system allows the firm more flexibility with customers, providing clients with enhanced access to key data in real time.

“Oracle On Demand CRM is being deployed across the Fexco Group and has to cater for the multiple business models that we operate,” said Fexco’s head of business development, David Beausang. “For example, we are deploying CRM in the traditional sales and marketing space where it can operate out of the box.


“However, it is also to be configured for use in divisions with different needs such as Fexco’s contact centres and stockbroking. Even within our contact centres there is a different business model to cater for First Call resolution business and careline-focused business.”

The decision to adopt the new on-demand model for CRM has already begun to yield benefits for Fexco, with the system up and running within three months. “The benefit that we have seen is that it was quick to deploy, it’s quick to change, and where we need to deliver outsourced solutions for a client we’re ready to start with Oracle On Demand as a CRM platform,” Mr Beausang said.

“CRM is not an internal tool for us. It’s a solution platform that we can provide to our customers to help them run their businesses using an outsourcing partner.

“A key benefit therefore is that compromises can be configured into the solution as opposed to putting in place unnecessary and costly change controls or complex workarounds. Ultimately, the benefit is that it makes doing business easier for us and for our customers.”

Mr Beausang said the firm chose Oracle over other providers for a number of reasons.

“It had the right mix of technology and functionality which met the demands of a wide variety of stakeholders within Fexco,” he said. “It also has the commitment to the CRM space and is aligned to our database technology across our businesses.”

With the current economic crisis, he said other firms may see outsourcing as part of their strategies in the coming few years.

“There’s a high level of uncertainty in the marketplace currently, as organisations seek to put in place strategies to cater for the conditions of the next three years,” he said.

“Outsourcing is a valid and real option for many organisations.”

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien

Ciara O'Brien is an Irish Times business and technology journalist