UrbanVolt delivers massive energy savings with LED lighting

Dublin-headquartered company hits target equivalent to the permanent switch-off of one million light bulbs

Fiona Cairns, Edel Kennedy and Maura Ryan of UrbanVolt: the company was one of the first firms worldwide to sign up to the UN’s Global Lighting Challenge

UrbanVolt, a Dublin-headquartered energy-saving LED lighting company whose backers include former rugby star Jamie Heaslip, has delivered energy savings equivalent to the permanent switch-off of one million light bulbs.

The company was one of the first firms worldwide to sign up to the UN's Global Lighting Challenge which is committed to reducing harmful CO2 emissions.

While the aim of the challenge is to replace 10 billion light bulbs around the world, UrbanVolt confirmed it reached its one million target last month. And it is committed to doubling this number within the next 12 months.

UrbanVolt, led by chief executive Kevin Maughan, fits LED lights to businesses and industries at no charge to the user, but instead gets paid by sharing the savings on their customers' energy bills over five years.


The company estimates that it has saved its Irish clients more than €40 million in cash savings on energy over the past two years – the same as taking 3,585 homes off the grid. The reduction in harmful emissions equates to removing 7,110 vehicles from the road.

"Our clients, whether they are a Fortune 50 pharma company or a family-run hardware store, are future proofing their business and the environment by taking steps to permanently reduce energy consumption," said Edel Kennedy, head of marketing at UrbanVolt.

“All companies, whether big or small, want to contribute to positive change. We make it easy for them to do that. By undertaking an LED upgrade and participating in the Global Lighting Challenge, companies are playing their part and making a real difference in reducing emissions and protecting the environment.

Joe Brennan

Joe Brennan

Joe Brennan is Markets Correspondent of The Irish Times