Problems ahead for employers as more than half of workers consider job change

Survey shows improving economy will see 76% of companies increase workforce in 2015

Over two thirds of employers plan to increase recruitment next year. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Irish employers are facing potential “crisis” next year according to a new survey which finds over half of employees considering a job change due to concerns over conditions.

The research, conducted by recruitment firm Hays, also found that over three quarters of employers (76 per cent) plan to increase their workforce in 2015, a measure of an improving economy.

In today’s world, staff are prioritising a work-life balance in terms of job opportunities that emphasise time away from the office over security and environment.

However, among the more significant findings is that three in five employees are now considering changing job next year due to considerations of pay, opportunity and a lack of challenge.


“Against the backdrop of an existing talent gap, this has the potential to create an employment crisis for some sectors,” Hays said.

The report - "Hays Salary and Recruiting Trends 2015" - was published this morning and is based on a survey of 2,900 employees and employers in Ireland, focusing on attitudes toward the workplace environment.

In stark contrast to recent job losses, it found that within the last year about 71 per cent of employers increased hiring and that figure is set to rise to 76 per cent in 2015.

In the constructions sector, which felt the brunt of post-collapse implosion, 81 per cent of businesses increased employment.

Employers perceived job security as the priority for new staff although for the employees themselves, this came in fourth in terms of wish-list items. Salary, career-development and work-life balance led the way.

Next year, over half of those working (54 per cent) expect a pay rise and 48 per cent a bonus. Although just one quarter felt promotion was in the offing.

"Ireland's recovering economy has created multiple opportunities for candidates," said Hays managing director Richard Eardley.

“The increased availability of jobs means employees now demand more than just a decent working environment and private health insurance from employers.

“Now employees are increasingly prioritising jobs with perks that cater to a better work-life balance, like additional holiday days, in addition to an attractive salary.”

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard

Mark Hilliard is a reporter with The Irish Times